[BEAUTY] How I grew my eyelashes at home

Hey everyone!

Long time no see, how are you all? I’ve become one of the worst bloggers out here… I don’t even think I can call myself a blogger anymore! I have actually been so so busy, so many exciting things have happened in the last 4 months I have not had the chance to sit down and write anything. Hopefully one day soon I can do that, as even though I doubt many people still read my blog it would be nice to just have everything written down so I can remember it at a later date. If you’re reading this and you’d like to see that definitely let me know in the comments! Also, leave me a quick comment with your blog link so I can have a good stalk through it 😉

Anyway, I was sent the Quickmax Eyelash Growth Enhancer, which does what it’s says – grows your eyelashes. I believe you can also use this product for eyebrows too, if you want to make them thicker, but I didn’t test that out.

So here’s how I used it:

Every night, for around 7 weeks, I applied the serum (which comes with a thin applicator in a small gold tube) to my lash line, as if I was putting eyeliner on. I made sure to do this right before I went to sleep, to ensure that it can really sink into my lashes without interfering with make up/other products, or getting in my eyes whilst they were open.

I took a few photos of my eyelash growth progress and I wanted to share them with you here (sorry that my eyes look so tired and weird):

As you may see, there isn’t a massive difference. I was expecting a significant increase in the length of the eyelashes, especially considering the hefty £49 price tag, and the fact I used the product for nearly 2 months! However, there was a noticeable difference in the thickness of them, and this was further exaggerated once I’d applied mascara.

In conclusion, this eyelash growth enhancer didn’t cut it for me; I would not recommend spending £49 on a product that doesn’t do much… Then again, this is my own judgement and everybody is different- this serum could work wonders on your eyelashes, you never know until you try! Plus, it’s currently on offer for £24.95 so you could give it a whizz for a cheaper price.

Have you tried any Eyelash Growth Serums that you could suggest for me to try?

Love, Kavi xo

2 thoughts on “[BEAUTY] How I grew my eyelashes at home

  1. Tarika says:

    Nice to see you back lovely ❤️ Only just started blogging again too?! Life gets so busy so fast!! Shame this didn’t work out for you, but your lashes look gawguss anyways so it’s all good 😉 looking forward to more of your posts, hope school and life is all good xxx

    • Kavi says:

      That’s surely more than a coincidence?! It doe’s doesn’t it, can’t keep up with everything! Hahah thank you, they aren’t the most flattering pictures;) catching up with your blog now! hope you’re well too xxx

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